Öffentliche Pfarrbücherei Sassanfahrt

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Öffentliche Pfarrbücherei Sassanfahrt

O'Sullivan, Emer

Watch out - da sind sie

ein deutsch-englischer Kinderkrimi

kart. : EUR 5.90, sfr 10.60 / Orig.-Ausg / 157 S. - 157 S.
And who loves me? Und wer liebt mich? / von Hortense Ullrich Life could be great. Jojo and Sven are getting on really well and spend a lot of time together. The only problem is, they?re never alone. Lucilla always comes along. Jojo can?t stand it any longer, so she decides to get Lucilla a boyfriend of her own. But who? To find Mr Right, she puts a personal ad in the newspaper. The next day her phone is in overdrive. But instead of getting offers from good-looking boys, she?s called up by pet owners trying to sell their dogs and cats! How was she meant to know her advertisement would end up under ?pets? instead of ?personals??! But when a woman with a rabbit calls up, Jojo senses her chance. The caller doesn?t just have several rabbits, she also has two sons. And the elder one is just the right age ? Englisch mit Spaßfaktor! Übersetzung des Titels "Und wer liebt mich?" aus der Reihe "Freche Mädchen - freche Bücher" Reihe "Freche Mädchen - freches Englisch" Ab 12 Jahren

Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 2005
Fremdspachige schöne Literatur (gesamt)

(C) 2024 paidosoft Bibliothekssysteme

Letztes Update: 27.07.2024, 18:50 Uhr